About Franchise Fortitude Consulting
Meet Jason Yutze
I am a corporate refugee. Throughout my corporate career I have always known that my true calling was to own my own business and become financially independent. I wanted complete control of my own success without the office politics, the leadership changes, and all the other “speed bumps” that a corporate career has to offer. Please don’t misunderstand, as I worked my way up the corporate ladder to Director level positions, I was always grateful for the opportunity and my salary. Honestly, without it, I never would have been able to own my businesses and ultimately transition out of the corporate world and into full time business ownership.
My two businesses have allowed me the flexibility to coach my kid’s sports teams and help as a caretaker for an aging parent. After my dad passed, I re-assessed my life and realized I wanted to help others pursue their dreams of business ownership… so I became a franchise consultant. I now help others find the right franchise for them! It’s easy to get stuck in the rat race and comfortable with the “security” that’s often perceived with a corporate job. Taking the leap is scary and the risks can be intimidating, but the rewards are worth it. I work with people who, just like me, want to take control of their own time, income, and quality of life through franchise and business ownership.
Having ran large manufacturing/distribution facilities, I have a high level of business acumen, I have also transitioned from the corporate world to full time business ownership, which is why I believe I am uniquely qualified to help you in your search. There are a lot of business opportunities available, but not all are suited for everyone. I want to help you navigate the landscape and find the right franchise for you.
Lastly, and probably the most important piece of information to you, my services are free. Just like an executive recruiter, my fee is paid by the company that you sign with. So please reach out to me, it won’t cost you anything, and could catapult you to a better life!